Apropela CEO Acknowledgement
The core of the Apropela model's success is generosity - the generosity of our Connectors who give their time and introductions, the generosity of our Sponsors who support our activities and host our events, and the generosity of the Portfolio Community who uplift their peers.
In consideration of this, we ask those Founders who successfully screen with Apropela to sign the below Apropela Acknowledgement.
I acknowledge that Apropela’s process offers me the following benefits:​​​

The opportunity to participate in a unique program with an established track record of proven results, sustained over 15 years of operation.

Access to Apropela's Sponsor locations for fully catered events, which I will attend as both a presenter and in the future as a potential Connector.

I further acknowledge that the results achieved from the Apropela program for my company and I will be directly correlated to the amount I put in to it.

Access to the knowledge, experience and exclusive networks of Apropela's Strategy Council, Board and National Ambassadors; in addition to a number of high-level Connectors.

Access to regular knowledge sessions relevant to my business that are held with Apropela sponsors.

I understand that the assessed cost for Apropela of my participation is $31,000. I acknowledge that Apropela provides these services to me at no cost.

Access to professional coaching and mentoring in preparation for a highly impactful pitch at an Apropela Portfolio Event.

Access to a mutually supportive group of Apropela Portfolio CEOs.
Therefore I pledge to:

Interact respectfully with all Apropela stakeholders at all times in alignment with Apropela's culture.

Provide Apropela with regular feedback on the outcomes of the Connections made for me as part of being a Apropela Portfolio Company.

In particular, I will respect and value the time the coach/mentor volunteers to me and will endeavor to be on time and fully prepared for pitch practices and other meetings at all times.

Present at one event that Apropela organises from time to time with or for their Sponsors/Partners.

To keep the record of the progress of my Offers of Connection fully up to date, and to share this information with Apropela in a timely manner recognising that Apropela will nudge the connections I have received where there is lack of progress.

Respect the confidentiality of all information pertaining to Apropela, and understand that Apropela will also respect the confidentiality of information related to my company.
In understanding the Apropela is a Not-For-Profit reliant on the support of corporate sponsorship to operate, if I have derived benefit from Apropela that has led to financial gain I would be open to contributing to Apropela in a way that is appropriate for my business. For example:
To grant Apropela a warrent/option equivalent to 1% of its value which would vest on a successful exit; or
To donate a financial amount equivalent to 1% of other amount upon a succesful exit; or
To make a contribution to Apropela following a cap raise; or
To make a contribution to Apropela from a distribution of dividends.